Powerbone Chondra Matrix

Powerbone Chondra Matrix

About this Product:

Powerbnone Chondro Matrix is one-step, hydrophilic, sterile, bioresorbable, CE marked, cell-free implant used to treat articular cartilage defects in the knee, ankle, or hip. It uses the biological potential of stem cells to restore damaged cartilage tissue in the joints.

Powerbone Chondro Matrix is composed of biomedical grade Polylactic acid (PLA) to provide structural support for 1-2 months and sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) to promote chondrogenesis. 

Chondro Matrix does not contain human or animal tissue, removing any risk of viral or disease transmission as well as complying with the wishes of vegans who avoid animal derived products.

Due to its complete resorption, a second surgery for removal is not required.

Used for repair and surgical treatment of pain and limited mobility. When placed next to the damaged area, Chondro Matrix absorbs the accumulated blood and provides optimal defect coverage, induces the formation of cartilage repair tissue, reduces pain and symptoms associated with joint defects, and improves patients’ quality of life and mobility.

 Use of Powerbone Chondro Matrix:

  1. Microfracturing
    Mesenchymal stem cells are obtained by Marrow stimulating procedures, such as microfracturing or Pridie drilling.
  2. Preparation and Implantation of Powerbone Chondro Matrix.
    Powerbone Chondro matrix can be easily trimmed to match the defect.
    Powerbone Chondro matrix is implanted into the defective cartilage by mini-open or keyhole procedure.
  3. Fixation of Powerbone Chondro Matrix
    Powerbone Chondro matrix can be fixed to the defect by commonly used orthopeadic fixation methods.
    Bioresorbable pins.
    Fibrin glue.
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